Liddells lactose free milk and yoghurt your thoughts

Liddells lactose free milk and yoghurt your thoughts


Liddell’s lactose free milk and yoghurt – your thoughts?

Usually lactose free products contain an enzyme called “lactase” Lactase is usually produced in humans in the small intestine. The lactase is important for digesting milk and breaking down the lactose. If you have a deficiency of this enzyme, then you will experience lactose intolerant symptoms.

Adding enzymes to milk results in the hydrolysis of the lactose which allows it to be digestible for everyone.

What most people don’t realise is that the lactase that is produced commercially is extracted from yeasts (kluyveromyces fragilis and kluyveromyces lactis) and from moulds (aspergillus niger and aspergillus oryzae).

My preference is that if you are lactose intolerant, you are better off choosing an alternative milk such as oat milk or almond milk instead of lactose milk / yoghurt etc.

Categories: Additives, General, Product Questions

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