Personalise the experience

From a guests point of view there is nothing better than feeling like you have had a personalised experience. When we feel important and others take the time to make us feel important it brightens our day and gives us something to talk about.

We know that happy delighted guests add value to a business in many ways:

– they are more likely to spend more when they are with us
– more likely to return quicker and spend with us again
– more likely to tell their friends

Having a delighted customer can have an exponential impact on a business.

There are three critical touch points when it comes to customising the guest experience:

1. The greeting
2. The actual experience
3. The farewell

The greeting is critical – it’s about the first impression (making them feel excited and welcomed) but also ascertaining their needs. Not only what they want but how they want it delivered.

The actual experience – take the knowledge that you have learnt and deliver on that is a customised way that meets the needs of your customer. Meet their level of mood, you might have fun with them, joke around with them, have some banter, your communication style is being customised to their personality.

The farewell – the last thirty seconds of an experience is really really important in terms of the impression that the guest will leave our venue with. Drop in something that is customised to them, something you have learnt during the experience that you can mention. Use their name. Let them know you are looking forward to seeing them again next time. This plants the impression that they will be returning.

Never make an assumption about a guest. Its your job to find out who they are without those assumptions.

To get started straight away – take the time to get to know who they are and then customise the delivery of your experience from there.