Your role is bigger than your job title. It is through you, your presence, your energy, your attitude towards what you do is what our guests experience our company and our services.
You are creating our guests experiences!
You make personal connections with guests. Through you our guests experience the offerings of The Hive. Whatever our guests think about you is what they think about The Hive. When guests feel connected to you they feel connected to The Hive. When they feel connected to The Hive they buy and come back again and again. You sell, not The Hive.
What you do, who you are and your role at The Hive is more important that what you sell. You have the power to create good, bad or indifferent experiences for your guests in every interaction.
Even though our guests buy the product, they come back based on the experience you give them. When our guests experience you as an engaged, enthusiastic, confident, hospitable person, they buy more, stay longer, come back more frequently, invite their friends and family and post positive reviews.
You have the biggest influence on the guests experience and how much and how often they will buy from The Hive.
Your impact is even bigger on the people that work with you. You have a direct effect on your team. Great people want to work alongside other great people. Everything you do, and everything you are affects your team positively or negatively. Your attitude, your words, your behaviour, your skills, your energy, your mindset gets adopted by others and becomes part of the culture at The Hive.
The culture means the way your team thinks and behaves on an individual and collective basis. This is why who you are and what you are doing matters! How you behave will influence how the team around you behaves.
People don’t leave or join The Hive, the leave or join people. When guests see engaged, enthusiastic, confident and hospitable employees, sales go up.