For the most part guests in venues are not getting great experiences across the board. Service levels are falling.
From a guest point of view, when they turn up to a venue, you are greeted well and have an amazing first impression and you have a great experience from start to finish it makes you feel good and it turns the guest into an advocate of the venue.
The biggest mistake people make in hospitality is not listening. As humans we are only ever in two states – interesting or interested. People in hospitality often spend too long being interesting rather than interested in the guest. Asking questions and actively listening to their answers.
What makes a great first impression?
The greeting and having an energy that makes the guest feel that there is some magic going on here.
If you have a chatty guest who was more relaxed in their style and you think they are in for a slower experience then you might ask them some questions about whether they had been to the venue before. Could engage in some story telling about -do they know about the menu? The philosophy behind this venue? The history of the venue? The owners.
If you sense the guest is in a real rush, that they have limited time and purpose driven with this profile of guest the conversation would be different. You would focus the conversation more on time saving – we will get your order in really quickly.
Take notice of what the guest is saying and how they are saying it and what their body language is telling you about the type of experience they are wanting.
You can find something to compliment them on, making them feel like an individual.
Take them on a journey that the time they are with us as our guest is going to be something different and special.