Feeling overwhelmed in getting started on your journey to Additive Free? Tired of trying to do it all on your own? Feeling frustrated…it shouldn’t be this hard! Confused…there is so much to learn.
You can fast track..
Submit your family favourite meals (the ones that are in high rotation) for:
– Breakfast
– Lunch
– Dinner
– Snacks
So for example, if Spag Bog is on high rotation, you will submit this, but you will also share with me every ingredient that you use in yours (everyone makes it different right!) and I will walk you through each ingredient whether it is ok to keep using it. Or switch it for another alternative (that suits your family dietary preferences).
At the end you will have 12 meals that you know are additive free and can have peace of mind that there are no hidden additives or other nasty ingredients.
I wish someone could have done this for me at the beginning of my journey!
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